During the late Summer heat and dampness tend to be prominent. Both of these elements can easily throw the heart and spleen function out of balance. Internally we may be feeling clammy, sweaty/sticky, have a poor appetite, heaviness in the limbs and fatigue may arise.

Tip # 1: Eat cooked foods that nourish the spleen-pancreas and ease digestion.

Don’t combine too many ingredients and use minimal seasoning. Reduce the intake of complex sugars, dairy and greasy foods. Since this season is associated with the color yellow and the sweet flavor, try incorporating golden and orange-colored foods that are mildly sweet into your diet; such as: apricots, cantaloupe, peaches, chestnuts, garbanzo beans, sweet potatoes, squash, and yams.

Tip #2: Feel stuck? Move!

This aids in reducing damp and stagnation in the body. Choose an activity that brings your heart joy: hula hooping, dancing, yoga, biking, tai chi, hiking, swimming etc.

Tip #3: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent body fluid deficiency.

Tip #4: This is the season of thoughtfulness.

Be mindful of how you can nourish yourself and others. Create space to reflect on the harvest of your life. Reflect on where you are in life, your relationships, your work…where are the seeds you have sowed bearing fruit? Where are aspects of your life where the harvest is rich? Where do you find the growth stunted?

Ready for a late summer tune up? Schedule Here.