Late Summer is Traditional Chinese Medicine’s unique and short fifth season. Occurring between the height of summer and the beginning of autumn, this is the time to harvest the abundance we have created during the spring and summer.

The season of late summer is marked by its association with the Earth element which emphasizes stability, balance and the condition of being well-nourished. In fact, the Earth element symbolizes nurturing, not only ourselves but our community, culture and planet. As a result, an imbalance in the Earth element causes a fear of scarcity, ie. not having enough food, money, love, etc.

Late summer’s Associations

A season of expansion, growth, activity and creativity.

Element: Water

Nature: ____

Yin Organ: Kidneys

Yang Organ: Urinary Bladder

Emotion: Fear

Spirit: Zhi (Willpower)

Climate: Cold

Color: Black/Dark Blue

Taste: Salty

Sense Organs: Ears

Tissues: Bone

Virtues: Strength, Courage, Wisdom


The Earth element is composed of the Spleen and Stomach organ systems. Together the Spleen and Stomach are vibrant channels that nourish and sustain us, embodying the essence of digestion, assimilation, and grounding.

The Spleen is in charge of making our body’s qi and blood, the vital substances needed to stay healthy. Most importantly, the Spleen transforms the food we eat into energy and transports that energy to other parts of our body. Together with the Spleen, the Stomach controls the transportation of food essence to the rest of the body.

COmmon themes & COMPLAINTS

Over-thinking, worry, scarcity mindset, craving sweets, and digestive problems.


The Spleen and Stomach are paired Yin/Yang channels. These two channels either begin or end at the feet. Balance in our Earth element allows us to stand grounded on our own two feet, feeling secure in the knowing that we have enough.

Spleen Channel (figure A) – Begins of the medial side of the big toe and ascends along the medial aspect of the leg until it dives deep into the abdomen to pass through the spleen, stomach and heart ending at the 7th intercostal space

Stomach Channel (figure B) – Originates at the lateral side of the nose, wraps around the lips, travels up the face to the hairline to then descend down the anterior side of the chest where is dives in more deeply into the abdomen to traverse the diaphragm, spleen and stomach. The channel emerges again along the lateral aspect of the leg to end finally at the lateral tip of the second toe.

Essential oil recs


Essential oils (and acupoints) best for late summer are Blue Tansy on L3 to calm Shen; Jasmine on PC6 to calm mind/body, soothe heart, and help with digestion; as well as Marjoram and Spearmint to help support digestion.




While direct massage over the Spleen and Stomach channels may prove too intimate, adding hot stones over a sheet to the abdomen is a way to soothe the digestive system and warm these channels that can easily become congested and sluggish.

Lifestyle recs

  • Breathwork.

  • Try moving meditation such as qigong to calm the mind, as well as walking on the beach or grass barefoot to connect with the Earth.

  • Incorporate spontaneity to soften structures in life.

  • Include pungent foods like garlic/onion/ginger in the diet.

  • Qigong.

  • Personal connections through volunteer and social activities.