Spring’s Associations

A season of regeneration, new beginnings, and potential.

Element: Wood

Yin Organ: Liver

Yang Organ: Gallbladder

Emotion: Anger

Spirit: The Hun (“ethereal soul”)

Climate: Wind

Color: Green

Taste: Sour

Sense Organs: Eyes

Tissues: Tendons

Virtue: Benevolence

Stage of Development: Birth


Spring is the time of transitioning from Yin to Yang and is marked by its association with the Wood element. The Wood element embodies qualities of growth, flexibility, and renewal, mirroring the vitality and blossoming seen in the natural world during this season.

When the Wood element is in harmony, it promotes a balanced emotional state, creativity, and adaptability. However, imbalances in the Wood element can lead to issues such as stagnation, frustration, or anger.


The Liver energy is one of purposeful determination. It embodies the essence of Wood, symbolizing growth, renewal, and upward movement. Just as a sapling stretches its branches towards the sun, the Liver Meridian propels your energy forward, nurturing your visions, dreams and aspirations.

The Gallbladder is the courageous warrior of the Wood Element, embodying strategic action, bravery, and the power of calculated risk-taking. When our Wood element is out of balance, our vision becomes clouded. We may procrastinate in the ensuing frustration of not being able to move forward or see the future. Alternately, we may push too hard, or become rigid and inflexible in our pursuits.

COmmon themes & COMPLAINTS

Irritability/anger, stress, neck and shoulder tension, rigidity, temporal headaches, menstrual irregularities, clouded sense of vision, indecision.


Liver (figure A) – start on the big toe and runs anterior to the medial malleolus, continues up the medial aspect of the leg along the pubic region to the abdomen where it ends in an intercostal space.

Gallbladder (figure B) – begins on the lateral aspect of the eye, doubles back along the temporal aspect of the scalp, descends to the lateral aspect of the shoulder and descends along the lateral aspect of the body along the torso and leg to end on the 4th toe.

Essential oil recs

Bergamot, Ylang, Ylang, Frankincense

Bergamot – helps support balance and promote release. Ylang Ylang – Floral and sweet scents invigorate the senses, enhances mood and brighten a space all harnessing the essence of spring..Frankincense – Energy and stamina.



Cupping/gua sha neck and upper back, IT band work, stretching the medial and lateral aspects of the leg.

Lifestyle recs

  • Keep qi moving with vigorous forms of exercise.

  • Eat plenty of green food (bonus points for sour foods).

  • Moderate or avoid alcohol, coffee and sugar.

  • Work hard and rest hard.

  • Acknowledge and channel anger to remain focused and flexible.