One of the many beauties of Chinese Medicine is the idea that we are a part of nature, and so naturally our lifestyles should change and be in harmony with the seasons.

The transition from summer to fall is a big one, especially for those of us who are particularly sensitive to change. Summer is all about yang – heat, connectivity with others, lots of energy. The fall season is a transition into the yin energy of winter, which is more inward, restorative and cooling. What better time for self-care than in the face of change? Here are a few basic tips to help you adjust to the fall season.

Tip # 1: Honor the Change of Season.

One of the best things to do is to simply recognize and honor the change of season and how it affects you. The days are shorter, it is getting darker earlier, and your energy level and mood may change as a result – so take more time for yourself and get plenty of rest. Grounding is essential for season changes and one helpful way to do this is to focus on your feet – give yourself a foot massage at the beginning or the end of your day to help you feel connected and in your body.

Tip #2: Shift Your Diet.

It’s time to do away with all of those green summer salads and raw veggies, and instead try to eat more hearty and cooked foods. Trade that iced tea for some hot tea. Root vegetables such as beets, sweet potatoes, ginger, garlic, leeks, and carrots are particularly recommended at this time because they are seasonal, nourishing and energetically grounding.

Tip #3: Boost Your Immune System.

In Chinese Medicine each season is linked to different organ system. The fall correlates with the lungs which play a key role in our immune system. A couple of things we can do to help keep the lungs strong are to 1.) To dress warmly for the season, taking special care to keep the neck and upper back covered because they are vulnerable areas and 2.) Breathe fully and deeply.

Tip #4: Get Acupuncture!

Come and get some acupuncture, of course! Acupuncture treatments will help your body and mind adapt to the changing of the seasons as well as boost your immunity.

Ready for your Fall Acupuncture Session? Schedule Here.