Why Try Naturopathic Medicine?

By |2022-11-15T14:04:42-05:00September 14th, 2022|Categories: Naturopathy, Pain, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , |

Naturopathic medicine is dedicated to the study and celebration of nature’s healing powers. It is as old as healing itself and as modern as cutting-edge medical breakthroughs. With a dynamic philosophy, the profession recognizes that all living things are interconnected and interdependent. Fundamentally, naturopathic medicine views the body as an integrated whole and prioritizes the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies to treat illness. The Six Fundamental Principles of Naturopathy Naturopathic medicine is defined by principles rather than by treatment options. Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for [...]