With a new year comes a fresh start and the chance to make positive lifestyle changes. Resolutions are a common tradition, but it’s hard to keep them.

This year, instead of focusing solely on the end result, shift your attention to the habits that will get you there. Identify the specific actions and behaviors that support your goals, making them a natural part of your routine. Taking big ideas and breaking them down into small, manageable pieces not only makes the process less overwhelming but also increases the likelihood of success.

Develop Habits That Last

A habit’s ability to stick can vary widely among individuals, depending on factors such as the habit’s complexity, personal motivation, and consistency. There is a common misconception that it takes 21 days to form a habit. According to some, new habits take 3-6 weeks to form, while research suggests it may take up to several months.

Add One New Habit at Time

A sustainable approach to personal growth is to introduce a new habit each month or so, as opposed to overhauling your lifestyle all at once. With this incremental approach, we can focus our efforts on cultivating a specific behavior and fostering a deeper understanding of the habit’s consequences in our life. Our chance of long-term adherence increases when we slowly build in a new habit. It’s a patient and thoughtful approach that recognizes the complexity of habit formation and fostering lasting positive transformation over time.

Tips for Success

Set clear goals. Define clear and achievable goals that can be made into habits to help you reach your overarching intention. Whether it’s exercising for 20 minutes each day, reading for 30 minutes before bed, or practicing mindfulness for 10 minutes in the morning, having specific objectives provides direction and motivation.

Incorporate “bright spots.” As the new year unfolds, it’s an opportune time to play with new habits that become joyful practices and act as bright spots for our future selves. Challenge “shoulds” and pick habits that will be a tiny treat each day. These include:

  • ‘Spend nothing days’ for savings and creativity
  • A walk outside each day
  • Organize one tiny part of your home
  • Phone-free time after work
  • Five minutes of daily watercolor play

Be consistent. Consistency is the cornerstone of habit formation. Aim to perform your chosen behavior at the same time and in the same context every day. Whether it’s tying it to your morning routine, lunch break, or evening ritual, associating the behavior with a consistent context makes it easier for your brain to adapt.

Track your progress. Monitoring your progress is crucial for staying on course. Use a journal, habit-tracking app or tool (see ours below), or calendar to mark off each successful day.

Find accountability. Share your goals with a friend, family member, or colleague who can provide support and encouragement.

Focus on the process, not just the outcome. While the end goal is essential, don’t underestimate the power of enjoying the process. Find joy in the daily practice of your habit, and recognize the positive impact it has on your well-being. This mindset shift can make the journey more sustainable and enjoyable.

Try Using A Habit Tracker

To help build new habits slowly, stay consistent and track your progress, try our Habit Tracker. It’s a flexible way to build new habits each month or so to meet your goals. Remember that it can take more than a month for a habit to form, so don’t worry if you’re having trouble make habits stick. With this habit tracker, you can introduce a new habit whenever you’d like, up to one habit each month.