One of the things that I love about appointments at Mend is the specificity of so much of what we do. An herb added to a mixture to address your particular symptoms. An acupuncture needle adjusted a quarter of a centimeter to make it more comfortable. How the massage therapist adjusts the pillow under your knees to make sure your lower back is relaxed.

But now there’s one thing in the clinics that’s so much less specific, and that’s what makes it great – Evil Bone Water.

What!?!? kind of bone water? Why is it called this?

Like many words describing how Traditional East Asian Medicine is practiced in this modern time and current place, the name comes from a mistranslation! The original term, Zheng Xie Gu Shui, would be more accurately translated as “bone healing liquid.” or “bone MENDing liquid.” However, the “Evil Bone Water” name has stuck and it does give a hint to what a badass this product is.

So what is it?

Evil Bone Water (EBW) is an herbal liniment, which is an extraction of herbs into alcohol or another liquid substance. Alcohol is incredible at extracting active compounds from plant cells, and EBW uses high quality herbs, meaning that the end product carries the effectiveness of several Chinese medicinal herbs that are used for many purposes detailed below. Instead of having to use a bulky plaster or ointment, liniments let the extract from the herbs be in direct contact with the skin with a pleasant, minimal feeling on the skin.

The herbs in EBW are chosen to help cellular turnover, promote circulation and break up stagnation, all of which can improve pain for short and long-term injuries. Other health clinics have done a good job describing the ingredients, evidence for the effectiveness, and success stories.

Here at Mend, we are happy to recommend it for:

  • chronic pain including stiff muscles, strained tendons, arthritis, and healed broken bones
  • acute pain such as after over exercising, straining or twisting a muscle, or menstrual pain.
  • areas where there is likely to be stagnation in tissues, including scars, muscle knots, and tight areas like the carpal tunnel on the wrist
  • non-open skin irritations such as insect bites, eczema, and general itchiness.

What makes this different from other topical products?

The texture is different. Liniment dries quickly on the skin and leaves a very thin, slightly tacky texture. It’s much less “greasy” than, for example, Tiger Balm.

The herbs are more for healing than relaxing. While I would recommend a massage with Tiger Balm or Doctor Bob’s for a tight neck or back, I’d suggest EBW for a chronic ache or long-term pain condition like arthritis, and to rub it on daily, as opposed to Tiger Balm which is for shorter-term use.

EBW is safe for some skin conditions. Tiger Balm and Dr. Bob’s should not be used over broken or inflamed skin of any kind. I hesitate to use them even with mild cases of acne! While it’s important to use your best judgment and to never use Evil Bone Water on broken skin, mucus membranes (face, genitals), or internally, many people have reported success and relief from spraying skin conditions like rashes with EBW.

How to use it:

Spray a cotton ball lightly until saturated. Apply to the affected area. You can keep the cotton ball on the area for up to 20 minutes, taping it to your skin if you prefer.

Gently massage the liniment into your skin. If the injury is deep (like an old bone break), you may want to use moderate pressure and spend some time massaging the area. If it is more superficial (like arthritis in the hands, or tendon injuries), you can use less pressure.

Apply 1-2x a day.

If using for a skin condition, monitor yourself carefully and cease usage if you find any worsening.

Dana Robinson, L.Ac., Mend Acupuncturist
An avid meal prepper, Dana loves combining intentional eating with convenience. She enjoys working with patients on pain and chronic conditions, and in all types of recovery. Her treatment style balances the present moment with long term goals, with clear communication and boundaries. And, if you catch her on the right day in clinic you can see her mitochondria dress!