In Chinese Medicine, each season brings with it a new frame of reference. You may notice some particular aspects or insights rising to the surface this Fall season (September to November in the Chinese calendar). For example:

  • A pruning/purging energy: Fall is a season in which nature rids itself of what is not needed. 
  • Feeling “space” from an issue or less attachment to outcomes.
  • Increased ease in identifying what is essential vs. discretionary.
  • Clarity on what is of highest importance and value in your life and work.
  • Acknowledgement for others unique gifts.
  • A renewed sense of self-worth.
  • Connection to the bigger picture.
  • Gratitude.

Of course, all of these refreshed viewpoints can also swing in the opposite direction, i.e. self-doubt, self-worth, etc., particularly when we’re out of steam or off-kilter.

Questions to Consider for Fall

As a way to tap into the reflective nature of this energy, we invite you to pick any of the following prompts to explore the season’s themes in your own day-to-day life and where there is wobble vs. clearer perspective:

  • What are your non-negotiables? (i.e. dealbreaker promises you keep to yourself, such as  8 hours of sleep, analog Sunday, sit down dinner with partner, etc.)
  • “I couldn’t imagine living without . . .”
  • What is a common negative narrative you often tell yourself? Can you rewrite the negative thought to find a new opportunity that exists or a hidden area of value?
  • How might something “bad” be something “good” in disguise? 
  • What are you currently taking for granted?
  • What are 3 activities you can immediately begin paring down as we transition to more hibernative seasons? What benefit could this bring to your life?
  • What remains constant in a forever changing world?
  • Write down any hurts or resentments you feel lingering from the previous year. Practice creating space from each one, as a way of making room for new growth.