The light is starting to change. The kids are heading back to school. Leaves are beginning to drop from the trees. It’s not yet Fall, we are still in Late Summer. 

In Chinese Medicine, these in-between days are recognized as a transition time and they bring their own set of challenges. For example, we know it’s time to let go of carefree and active summer days, and this saddens us. We may begin to crave focus and progress, but lack motivation and feel cluttered in our thoughts. This is also a time of nostalgia, reflection and drawing inward. We may feel inclined to take inventory of who we are and our place in the world, which could lead to mild depression or grief. Combine these emotional shifts with seasonal temperature fluctuations, and we start seeing weakened immunity or sinus upset. And of course, the flock back to school can cause some immune system wobbles for students, parents, teachers and administrators alike.

Our Treatment of the Month recognizes the impact of this transition and focuses on acupuncture points that offer ease and resilience. 

Did you know?

Acupuncture that is given at the first sign of cold and flu symptoms can often rid the body of the virus or bacteria that was causing the issue. Acupuncture’s boost to boost your body’s immune system makes it possible for you to more effectively fight whatever pathogen is making you sick  Plus, there are no residual side effects like drowsiness or cotton mouth that you may experience from taking over-the-counter medications. The bonus, of course, is feeling more calm and relaxed and enjoying a better night’s sleep.

If you’re noticing the seasonal shift is affecting your mood or you start to feel rundown, sniffly or congested, we encourage you to give the September Treatment of the Month a try.