Basic Self Care Tips for Fall

By |2022-11-15T14:08:38-05:00September 4th, 2017|Categories: Seasonal Changes, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |

One of the many beauties of Chinese Medicine is the idea that we are a part of nature, and so naturally our lifestyles should change and be in harmony with the seasons. The transition from summer to fall is a big one, especially for those of us who are particularly sensitive to change. Summer is all about yang - heat, connectivity with others, lots of energy. The fall season is a transition into the yin energy of winter, which is more inward, restorative and cooling. What better time for self-care than in the face of change? Here are a few [...]

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How Does Acupuncture Work? (The Left Brain Version)

By |2022-11-15T14:08:41-05:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: FAQ, Research|Tags: , , |

We acupuncturists hear this question all the time, ‘How does acupuncture work exactly?’ Good question. Acupuncture is a retrospective science which has been going on for thousands of years and only recently has there been a push to understand the science of how and why it works. We can enjoy the benefits of this tradition of care AND also use our current research methods to begin to understand why it works.  Below are a few examples of the progress being made in research.   Gate Control Theory.  First outlined by Melzack and Wall1 in the 1960’s this theory suggests that [...]

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