Drain Yo Dampness: Spleen 9 for Late Summer 

By |2022-11-15T14:05:35-05:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: acupoint, Acupressure, Self-Care, Take Home TCM, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |

The season of late summer is associated with the Spleen organ, which is related to dampness. (If you live in Baltimore, you are no stranger to the pathogenic factor of humidity!) Dampness in late summer injures the Spleen organ and can affect us with symptoms of fatigue, heaviness in our bodies, foggy heads, low appetite, bloating, loose stools, UTIs and yeast infections. In this context, we are talking about how the climate of dampness can affect us, however, it must be said that we can also have symptoms of dampness due to our constitution or from diet (most notably [...]