Understanding Summer Solstice Energy

By |2022-11-15T14:08:18-05:00June 7th, 2019|Categories: Seasonal Changes, Sleep|Tags: , , , , , |

Adapted from Summer Solstice Start of Summer? Not For Your Body. In the United States, many see the Summer Solstice as the beginning of summer.  However, as far as seasonal energies go, this is really the pinnacle of summer energy. Consider yin (dark, feminine) and yang (light, masculine) energy. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day (yang = day) of the year and the shortest night (yin = night).  Therefore, the Summer Solstice is the most ‘yang’ day of the year - the height of summer and yang-fire energy. Our body works in conjunction with the daily, monthly and [...]

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How Acupuncture Can Help Beat the Summer Blues

By |2022-11-15T14:08:21-05:00July 1st, 2018|Categories: Mood, Seasonal Changes|Tags: , |

When we think of summer, we think of sun and fun. However, for some people, the warmer season can cause summertime blues, also known as Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Most people are familiar with Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter, a phenomenon linked to a lack of sunlight. This decrease of sunlight can affect our biological clock, serotonin levels and melatonin production, ultimately impacting mood. Summer SAD, on the other hand, is related to the reverse - an increase of sunlight, leading to a modulation in melatonin production. Another theory relates to the longer summer days (i.e. rising [...]

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Late Summer DIY Wellness

By |2022-11-15T14:08:38-05:00July 31st, 2017|Categories: Seasonal Changes, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , |

During the late Summer heat and dampness tend to be prominent. Both of these elements can easily throw the heart and spleen function out of balance. Internally we may be feeling clammy, sweaty/sticky, have a poor appetite, heaviness in the limbs and fatigue may arise. Tip # 1: Eat cooked foods that nourish the spleen-pancreas and ease digestion. Don't combine too many ingredients and use minimal seasoning. Reduce the intake of complex sugars, dairy and greasy foods. Since this season is associated with the color yellow and the sweet flavor, try incorporating golden and orange-colored foods that are mildly sweet into [...]

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