Photo by NEOSiAM 2021 from Pexels

Imagine how different your adolescent years could have been if you had a safe, warm and non-judgmental space to “ring out the sponge” of a busy brain and full heart. Today’s teenagers arguably are holding more than ever – with constant connectivity via social media and online access, yet isolated in these interrupted COVID years. Acupuncture can be a great non-verbal therapy for kids. We enjoy seeing teens and believe every teen can benefit from being introduced to acupuncture as an option at an early age.

Think of acupuncture as a steam valve for stress and irritability.

A primary goal of acupuncture is to ‘move what is stuck’ or unsmooth. Think of teenagers as kettles of simmering water; at times their kettle ‘lids’ can get stuck and there may not be a clean way to release ‘steam.’ Chinese medical theory identifies children as ‘pure Yang.’ Compared to the nourishing, cooling substance of Yin which comes with age, Yang is warm, active, and transformative. And that’s what kids do – they transform. They are growing and changing almost daily, and it seems that as soon as you have one stage figured out, they have moved onto the next. This is a good thing on the healing front. Because kids are growing so quickly, they also heal quickly. This rising Yang energy can also work against kids, especially during the pre-teen and teen years.

Good health, or balance in Chinese medicine, is all about smooth flow and, for the most part, our kids grow and flow smoothly. Unfortunately, as kids go through adolescence, they begin changing even more quickly. On top of physical growth, kids are faced with the increasing stress of school and peer relationships. When Mother Nature throws hormones into the mix, that transformation becomes even more challenging. For some kids, this sudden growth, plus hormones and stress, equals a perfect storm that can block the smooth flow of energy and emotions, causing a wide variety of mental health symptoms. 

Reasons adolescents may consider acupuncture:

  • Headaches, migraines 
  • Menstrual irregularities (including cramps) 
  • Pain 
  • Sports Injuries 
  • Anxiety 
  • Irritability
  • Depression 
  • Allergies 
  • Asthma 
  • Acne 
  • Attention issues 
  • Eczema 
  • Digestive issues

The Two Most Common Reasons We See Teens in our Clinic:

Acupuncture works well for teen emotional health issues because it affects brain chemistry in a positive way.

In the opposite way that stress activates the nervous system, acupuncture stimulates the relaxation response thereby allowing the body to naturally self-regulate. One could argue that many adolescents are chronically stressed (vis-à-vis school pressures and deadlines, social stress, and the common tug of war or power struggles that can take place at home). People under chronic stress (teens or adults, for that matter) don’t handle acute stress very well. In chronic stress, the cortisol levels are elevated and never come back down to baseline. Teens can develop a range of mental health issues including insomnia, depression or anxiety because of the constant ramping up of this system.

Pain & Injuries

According to a recent survey, 70% of young people being treated by acupuncture for pain related conditions reported improvement in their pain symptoms. These conditions included migraine headaches, endometriosis, and nerve pain. When treating pain with acupuncture, a few treatments are required but the less amount of time you have had a condition, the faster and easier it is to treat. This is one of the reasons why it is so beneficial for teenagers and young adults to receive acupuncture treatment – because of their young age, they have not had a condition as long as an adult may have.

Tips for Bringing your Teen to Acupuncture at Mend:

  • Teens are welcome in our Community and/or One on One Clinics, their choice! 
  • We are able to see teens that are 12 years and older.
  • Parents must accompany their teen on their first visit and be within reach during future sessions.
  • Some teens may need less time than adults with their treatment, based on how much they want to talk at first. Acupuncture can be a great non-verbal therapy for kids who are reluctant to engage in talk therapy.
  • Your teen is welcome to bring their own earbuds and music to help them feel comfortable while they enjoy their treatment (we do ask for devices to be off otherwise).
  • The following Acupuncture Providers are comfortable and adept with treating teens: Alexandra, Aurora, Dr. Brian, Dana, Dr. Jaqui, Julia, Dr. Kimberly (‘Dr. Kima’), Marissa, and Yan.



Acupuncture for Teenagers and Young Adults, Red Panda Acupuncture
Acupuncture Helps Kids and Teens With Chronic Pain, WebMD
Coping Mechanisms for Stressed-Out Teenagers, Goop
Why Acupuncture Works for Anxiety Relief, Everyday Health
Acupuncture for Depression in Teens, Alternative Medicine Now

Sarah O’Leary, L.Ac., Mend Acupuncturist, Owner
Sarah was born into a healthcare family; her grandparents, parents and sister all have worked in primary care. The landscape of healthcare has changed dramatically in those 3 generations – from small town family doctors to big managed care settings. Sarah’s personal mission is to bring acupuncture’s methods (patient-centered, effective, non-pharmacological care for many conditions) into the current healthcare fold.