That feeling in the pit of your chest in the middle of the night…

We find it interesting when patients come in droves for the same condition or issue. For many, it’s anxiety, specifically the kind of anxiety that is affecting sleep. It seems anxiety has been winning and sleep is bearing the burden. Sleep quality can make or break the whole day, not to mention affect the entire system pretty seriously when the issue persists (think heart disease, weight gain, poor decision-making, etc).

Acupuncture improves sleep affected by anxiety

Research has shown a significant improvement in sleep quality from acupuncture treatments for patients with anxiety and depression. These improvements include reduced activity levels during sleep, less night awake time, ability to fall asleep faster, and less daytime sleepiness.

The Science

There is interesting research demonstrating acupuncture’s ability to modulate and normalize effects on the hypothalamus. As a result, acupuncture may have a positive effect on the the areas affected by the hypothalamus such as instinct and mood, basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).

When the hypothalamus is not working properly it can lead to faulty perceptions which are very subtle but nonetheless powerful, making you feel empty, deprived and emotionally unsatisfied (sometimes these feelings are persistent enough over time to be labeled as anxiety or depression).

Additionally, your body’s biological clock is present in your hypothalamus. Acupuncture’s ability to regulate the hypothalamus often leads to a healthy circadian rhythm (better sleep) as well as an improvement in mood, decision-making and generally less anxiety.


How to use acupuncture for mood and improved sleep

Getting the right dose of acupuncture is key. Here’s a helpful guide:

Coming to support ongoing, chronic anxiety, depression or sleep issues?

Recommendation: 1-2 sessions per week until a change is affected


Coming to reduce stress and support lifestyle (mood changes that come and go, sleep is affected only occasionally)?
Recommendation: 1-2x per month or as needed

Block B, Ravid S, Vadas L, et al. “The Acupuncture Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Review with Case Studies.” Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2010.

Bosch, Peggy, Maurits van den Noort, Heike Staudte, and Sabina Lim. “Schizophrenia and Depression: A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness and the Working Mechanisms Behind Acupuncture.” EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 2015.

Bosch P, van Luijtelaar G, van den Noort M, Lim S, Egger J, Coenen A. Sleep Ameliorating Effects of Acupuncture in a Psychiatric Population. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013.

Liu et al., “Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Chronic Insomnia,” Annals of Translational Medicine, 2021
Sarah O’Leary, L.Ac., Mend Acupuncturist, Owner
Sarah was born into a healthcare family; her grandparents, parents and sister all have worked in primary care. The landscape of healthcare has changed dramatically in those 3 generations – from small town family doctors to big managed care settings. Sarah’s personal mission is to bring acupuncture’s methods (patient-centered, effective, non-pharmacological care for many conditions) into the current healthcare fold.