This is a question that starts to pop up around this time of year. We will never tell you that a particular selection of points equates to weight loss – this is not how acupuncture works. And while there are certainly points to stave off cravings and keep your hormones in check, acupuncture works best to help regulate your body and find its healthy homeostasis.

It is common knowledge that weight gain can be the result of stress, mood-instability, low energy, poor sleep, digestive issues, and/or lack of exercise (pain getting in the way of movement). These are issues that can be tackled in the treatment room. That is, acupuncture is a great way to treat the conditions that may prevent us from optimum health (whether it’s weight-related or not).

An article published by U.S. News & World Reports, offers some additional insight in how acupuncture may help you lose weight:

  • Acupuncture may affect your hormones: researchers concluded that acupuncture may help people with pre-diabetes lose weight by reducing their insulin and leptin resistance; both insulin and leptin are appetite-regulating hormones that can play a role in long-term weight-loss.
  • Acupuncture promotes healthy digestion: healthy digestion can boost metabolism
  • Acupuncture can relieve stress: managing stress is critical for weight loss and maintenance
  • Acupuncture may reduce cravings: research has shown the efficacy for using acupuncture to treat addiction
  • Acupuncture can lead to better sleep: high-quality sleep is a well-known player in weight loss and maintenance
  • Acupuncture can boost your energy: an extra energy boost can support diet and exercise behaviors that may lead to weight loss

If weight loss is a goal for you right now, we invite you to try an acupuncture treatment (that addresses some of the conditions that may be preventing you from reaching your goal) in conjunction with good nutrition and exercise.  align your body back to its true north, to help create a smoother path for your wellness journey. Want to learn more? Check out this article for additional info.