In October, Mend Fellow Dana Robinson shared some of her favorite Fall Lifestyle Tips. In this post, we dig even deeper. In the spirit of living in harmony with the season’s energetics, consider these tips to help stay in flow and feeling your best.

Breathe Deeply.

In this season of the lungs, there is no greater tip than finding ways to breathe in more deeply and intentionally. When we breathe deeply and with intention, we are flooding our cells and brains with much needed oxygen. We are also taking in vital qi from the air. The best thing to do is take a walk outside in the crisp, clean Fall air. Or try the following exercise:

Breathe in and inhale as much air as possible – from the top of your head, down to your toes. Let your belly rise and enlarge as much as you can. Once the lungs are completely full, hold the lungs full for a count of five. Once you have counted to five, exhale through your mouth from the very bottom of your Lungs until they are completely empty. Do this three times, three times a day.

Channel Lightness of Being.

Try to reintroduce a sense of playfulness in your life and relationships (towards yourself and others). What are ways in which you can more creative flow, communication and expression? This may look like journaling, photography, dance, singing, etc.

Let Go of Negativity.

While negativity is always a good idea to let go of, it is particularly important in the Fall when Lung energy is at its peak. Sometimes just having an awareness of negativity can help us make the changes necessary to keep as much positivity and light in our lives. This is important to your health as unresolved emotions can express themselves as grief and negative self-image, leading to imbalance and illness. Take advantage of the Fall energy of letting by letting old wounds heal. Forgiveness allows us to release what we are holding onto, whether forgiving others or forgiving ourselves.

Reorganize, Clean, Purge & Donate.

Fall is the perfect time to take stock of things in your life, organize and let go of the old, to make room for the new. Whether at home and in your cupboards and closets, in the office and on your desk, on your computer or phone – get rid of anything you no longer need. Donate when you can. 

Make Lists of Priorities and Goals.

The metal component of Fall rules areas of organization, boundary setting, and communication. To set yourself up for success, write down a list of what you want to prioritize this season and what habits you wish to form to help gain clarity on what truly matters and what you can let go of. This could mean establishing a new exercise routine, finishing a creative project, figuring out how to spend more time with friends, or saving up for a car or vacation. Whatever it is, use your list as a guide to help you stay focused on what truly matters.


Autumn/Fall from Chinese Medicine Living

5 Acupuncture Tips for a Healthy Fall from A Unified Practice