Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

As the New Year fast approaches, that nagging feeling starts to emerge – it’s a new year. Often there’s a feeling of potential for a new you, a new chance, or a new chapter. With the end of one year and the beginning of the next, a sort of reset button emerges. And, as we are in the depths of winter – the season of Yin, the Water element (wisdom, stamina and endurance) and the spirit of Zhi (one’s will, ambition, purpose and destiny) – there’s no better time to reflect on what has been and what could be.

This year, in lieu of resolutions, try setting intentions. When you set an intention, you are setting an aim or purpose. It can even be as simple as a phrase or idea that you can come back to, whether it’s throughout the day or throughout the year. It can be big or small.

When setting an intention, you are laying the foundation for what you’d like to have, feel, or experience. Often, intentions involve the emotions you hope and intend to feel from situations or things in the future. Intentions create accountability and choice in not only how you want to live your life, but also how to live your life with purpose.

While there are different ways to set intentions, we suggest harnessing the energy of winter first, as the quiet depth to the season allows us to connect to the core of our being and our underlying emotions.

Try an Intention-Setting Ritual for the New Year (or any variation that you see fit):

First, block off time for connecting with yourself more deeply. Turn off your phone. Have a pen and paper handy.

To get in the right head and heart space, create the best setting and mood for you. This could be as simple as lighting a candle and/or sage, taking a bath, listening to soothing music, or walking in nature. You may also want to include special tools such as crystals.

Close your eyes and allow things to slow down. After a bit of time breathing and settling into the moment, reflect on the past year:

  • What has been working and what has not?
  • What do you want more or less of in life?
  • How have you been feeling?
  • What are you ready to let go of?

Consider these questions in all areas of your life: relationships, health, career, and so on. You may want to jot down your thoughts. Alternatively, use the Wheel of Life worksheet for a visual representation of how things have been going.

Now, imagine yourself 12 months into the future. Anything is possible. Dream big.

  • How does it feel?
  • What does your life look like?
  • What did you create or grow?
  • How did you become more aligned with your calling?
  • How did you show up?

What jumps out for you? Is there a recurring theme?

From this inner work, you can create intentions, phrased as powerful, positive present tense statements. For example, if the future you want to manifest includes a new job, your intention imagines you’ve already gotten your new job: “I love my job, and my job loves me.” Feel it and believe it.

Keep this written intention (or intentions) someplace special that you can revisit. You may want to incorporate it into an altar, along with objects that have good energy such as crystals, tarot, photos, quote or poem, figurines or natural materials. You can also share your intentions with others. By confiding your goals and ambitions with friends or family, you are creating a sense of accountability.

While setting intentions is a great start to realizing your hopes and dreams, nothing can be achieved without setting goals and goalposts. In addition to writing down your intentions, be sure to take note of the steps needed to realize your desires. Some suggestions:

  • Write S.M.A.R.T goals: Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Timely.
  • Name 3 resources, tools or people that will help you accomplish your goals.
  • Take note of any challenges or fears you have around your goals and how you will overcome them.
  • Create a simple and S.M.A.R.T. action plan with due dates.

Consider starting an intention journal to help keep track of your progress. You may also find it helpful to revisit and evaluate your intentions at specific intervals throughout the year, such as during each month’s New Moon (a time for planting seeds and goal-setting).


5 Intention-Setting Practices for 2020Head + Heart, January 1, 2020. 

Adams, Autumn. “Intentions and Goal Setting Worksheet.” Ambuja Yoga.

Houlis, AnnaMarie. “The Power of Setting Intentions — and How to Do It Correctly.” Shape, December 16, 2021.

Nicolaou, Elena. “The New Moon Can Be a Time to Set Intentions and Plant Seeds For the Future.” Oprah Daily, October 28, 2021.