“On Pins and Needles”

By |2022-11-15T14:08:37-05:00March 15th, 2018|Categories: MobileMend|Tags: , , , |

by Kimberly Uslin as printed in Baltimore STYLE Magazine When it comes to acupuncture, most people fall into two groups — the avid fans and the absolutely-nots. But as Dr. Neri Cohen of Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) and Sarah O’Leary of Mend Acupuncture see it, the practice is more than just a nightmare for the needle-shy: It’s a potential replacement for some conventional medicines, particularly among cancer patients. “I’ve been interested in complementary medicine for a while now,” Cohen says. “I’ve had acupuncture myself and I’ve referred patients to acupuncturists post-op. Ultimately, my goal is to demonstrate that [...]