Kidney 3 – Tai Xi – 太谿 – Great Ravine

By |2022-11-15T14:06:18-05:00January 19th, 2021|Categories: Acupressure, Seasonal Changes, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |

Photo by Francesco Ungaro Named for its ravine-like location on the body, Kidney 3 lives in the inner ankle, in a depression between the medial malleolus (your ankle bone on the inside) and your achilles tendon. This is a critical point for accessing the power of the Kidney organs, addressing issues of energy levels and destiny. As you may already know, the Kidney is responsible for detoxification and maintaining fluid balance. However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidney is kind of like your battery pack. It also contains your genetic material (not referring to DNA – this is TCM [...]