Acupuncture Improves Sleep Affected by Anxiety

By |2022-11-15T14:05:15-05:00March 16th, 2022|Categories: Mood, Research, Sleep, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |

That feeling in the pit of your chest in the middle of the night... We find it interesting when patients come in droves for the same condition or issue. For many, it's anxiety, specifically the kind of anxiety that is affecting sleep. It seems anxiety has been winning and sleep is bearing the burden. Sleep quality can make or break the whole day, not to mention affect the entire system pretty seriously when the issue persists (think heart disease, weight gain, poor decision-making, etc). Acupuncture improves sleep affected by anxiety Research has shown a significant improvement in sleep quality from acupuncture [...]

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“If acupuncture were a drug, we’d say the drug works.” (Featured in TIME, June 2016)

By |2022-11-15T14:08:40-05:00June 30th, 2016|Categories: Research|Tags: , |

Featured in Time Magazine, June 29, 2016, Markham Heid  For certain conditions—particularly pain—there’s evidence it works. Exactly how it works is an open question. You hear the term “acupuncture,” and visions of needles may dance in your head. But the 3 million Americans (and counting) who have tried it know there’s a lot more to the treatment than pokes and pricks. A typical visit to an acupuncturist might begin with an examination of your tongue, the taking of your pulse at several points on each wrist and a probing of your abdomen. “They didn’t have MRIs or X-rays 2,500 years [...]

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How Your Thoughts Affect Your Digestion and How Acupuncture Can Help

By |2022-11-15T14:08:41-05:00May 24th, 2016|Categories: Research, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , |

Can changing your thoughts and reducing stress really improve your digestion? There's good evidence to suggest that the answer to this question is "yes." According to recent Cochrane Review, stress reduction including acupuncture and meditation, has consistently been shown to be effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is basically a collection of symptoms that arises from impaired digestive function.   Acupuncture is more effective than anti-spasmodic drugs in treating IBS.  There are many possible mechanisms for acupuncture's effectiveness for treating the symptoms of IBS, but modulation of the vagus nerve - in other words, getting the parasympathetic "rest and [...]

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How Does Acupuncture Work? (The Left Brain Version)

By |2022-11-15T14:08:41-05:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: FAQ, Research|Tags: , , |

We acupuncturists hear this question all the time, ‘How does acupuncture work exactly?’ Good question. Acupuncture is a retrospective science which has been going on for thousands of years and only recently has there been a push to understand the science of how and why it works. We can enjoy the benefits of this tradition of care AND also use our current research methods to begin to understand why it works.  Below are a few examples of the progress being made in research.   Gate Control Theory.  First outlined by Melzack and Wall1 in the 1960’s this theory suggests that [...]

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