
Changes to Insurance Billing

In the past, Mend has always written off patient copay and coinsurance amounts related to additional therapies during acupuncture visits such as gua sha, cupping, moxa, etc. Through agreements with private insurers, we were able to make our services as accessible as possible. Unfortunately, private insurance compensation began changing in 2022, leading to a 20% reduction in reimbursements. To recoup [...]

By |September 6th, 2023|Categories: Clinic Updates, Insurance|Comments Off on Changes to Insurance Billing

Clear Heat With LI 11

Here we are. In the absolute depths of summer heat. The season when yang reaches its pinnacle, affecting our bodies and minds in a variety of ways. Large Intestine 11 (or Li11) is one of the most powerful points for clearing any type of heat. Even its name is cooling, Qu Chi, which means "Pool At The Bend," because [...]

By |August 23rd, 2023|Categories: acupoint, Acupressure|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Clear Heat With LI 11

Getting Ahead of SAD

I’m imagining eyes rolling as their owners read this blog. I’m imagining the sighs and dismissive thoughts “Why are you writing about Seasonal Affective Disorder in JULY?!? I’m busy dealing with the social, physical, and emotional challenges of Summer!! I have a pool party to go to!” Or maybe you’re struggling with depression in the [...]

By |July 27th, 2023|Categories: Mood, Seasonal Changes|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Getting Ahead of SAD

Aromatherapy for Summer

Aromatherapy can be a delightful way to enhance your summer experience and promote relaxation and overall well-being during the warm months. Here are some essential oils and aromatherapy practices you can try for summer. Essentials for Love and Friendship In Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is associated with the Fire element, the Heart and the emotion of joy. Florals like [...]

By |July 27th, 2023|Categories: Aromatherapy, Seasonal Changes|Tags: , |Comments Off on Aromatherapy for Summer

Emotion of Summer: Joy

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each season is associated with one of five emotions, along with a specific organ. For the summer season, the corresponding emotion is joy. From a TCM perspective, joy is not just happiness, but a feeling of deep satisfaction that comes from living a meaningful life. When we experience joy… the Heart's Qi expands. we feel [...]

By |July 20th, 2023|Categories: Emotion|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Emotion of Summer: Joy

A Humble Book Rec: Be Free Where You Are

Be Free Where You Are is a pocket sized gem of a book that a friend gave me as a stocking stuffer in my 20s. I find myself pulling it from the bookshelf to reread its profound pages from time to time. It’s a good one to have around during times of struggle, when your heart needs softening and [...]

By |July 14th, 2023|Categories: book rec, Faves, Self-Care|Comments Off on A Humble Book Rec: Be Free Where You Are
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